• Encouragement,  Family,  Inspiration,  Life

    We Need Each Other

    We need each other. We need to be together. We will always need to be together. Especially seniors. It’s been over two years since we seniors at First Christian Church in Huntington Beach met. We have missed each other. We have lost track of some who needed help, were sick. We didn’t all know. What can a few of us do to plan a time to sing, have fun, laugh, visit and catch up on how everyone is doing? Because of that hunger for fellowship, seven seniors, including myself, met months ago. What can we do for seniors?  Our little crew was born, most from our Life Group. Lots of…

  • Encouragement,  Family,  Inspiration,  Life

    Are we really ready to go roaring into 2022?

        Are we really ready to go roaring into 2022? Never mind that the last two years have been difficult on so many levels, even as we tried to count our blessings. Yes, we are alive, we have a roof over our heads even as we grieve the loss and illnesses of so many that we love. But, whether or not we are ready for 2022, it is here. So, here we come, ready or not! But wait! There’s another way to look at the new year. It is an opportunity for us to let go of the past, to cross a new bridge and to release the old that was…

  • Encouragement,  Family,  Inspiration,  Life

    “You can’t ask people questions like that.”

    “You can’t ask people questions like that.”  At first I was embarrassed. We had dated for only a few months when I invited him to a party at the office where I worked as a realtor. I knew that he would be right at home and enjoy it because he was such a people person. I loved that after I introduced him around, he didn’t cling to me but showed a genuine interest in others on his own. As I returned after getting coffee for us, he was deep in conversation with one of our top producers who was sharing with him exactly what he earned and even the most…

  • Encouragement,  Family,  Inspiration,  Life

    Uh-oh! The holidays are coming!

      Life is certainly different since Covid entered our lives a year and a half go. Now, the holidays can be a blessing or a burden. Some families can’t get together because of distance or illness. Some won’t because of concerns about mask or no mask, or division of strong opinions within a family and friends regarding vaccines or no vaccines. How can we keep this all-in perspective and navigate through the troubled waters of this new normal?  What is the bottom line? Of course, we are grateful that we are still here. Some of our dearest friends or family members are gone. Some we can’t even travel to go…